
Gagak (Garut Tunggak):Noodles Low Glycemic Solution for Lowering Glucose Levels for People with Diabetes Mellitus

Inventor Name
1. Nabila Almayda
2. Fenti Wahyu Lestari
3. Jahrotun Nura’eniyah
4. Aminatuz Zakiyah
5. Yasma Aziza Ul Akrimah

Gagak (Garut Tunggak):Noodles Low Glycemic Solution for Lowering Glucose Levels for People with Diabetes Mellitus

Gagak (Garut Tunggak):Noodles Low Glycemic Solution for Lowering Glucose Levels for People with Diabetes Mellitus

There are at least 463 million people with Diabetes Mellitus in 2019, it is predicted increase 578 million in 2030. DM is one of the most causes death in the world that cannot be cured but can be preventedand controlled through consumption of low glycemic products to reduce spikes in blood sugar increases Meanwhile, arrowroot tubers and cowpeas have a low glycemic content. For this reason, his research was conducted to create a low glycemic alternative processed food product for diabetics.

